

Yes, Tokyo is a concrete desert. In fact, most of Japan is. And like their sandy counterparts, concrete deserts slowly eat up the last oasises.
Nevertheless, when looking for a house in Tokyo we insisted on a garden and after five weekends of investigation we actually found an oasis - with a tiny garden at the edge of a bamboo grove and a commuting time far below the average.
Most people seem to have surrendered to the construction intustry or even think that reputable people nowadays have to reside in either concrete towers or plastic models of American white suburbia.
1. massive soil sealing
2. detachment of the younger generation from living creatures other than humans and excessively petted poodles
3. food has to be grown far away from where people live

I'd like to demonstrate that even with a full time job you can create a nice environment around your house and even grow some food for yourself.

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